Advanced Dental Spa Made $25,500 With A 16.76 Return On Ad Spend

Converted 70% of leads into 102 new patients
Generated $25,500 from the “no-gap” checkup and clean offer

Achieved a 16.76x return on ad spend from the
initial campaign

Generated $17,100 from the Invisalign offer with a 10.11x return on ad spend

Case Study


Advanced Dental Spa operates across multiple locations, providing high-quality dental services in Western Australia. With a focus on patient care and convenience, they aim to deliver exceptional dental experiences to all their clients.

Goals &

While Advanced Dental Spa had an existing marketing strategy using Google AdWords, they wanted to explore whether they could attract new patients through Facebook and Instagram advertising. Their goal was to see if social media could serve as a complementary channel to expand their patient base.


To attract new patients, we highlighted Advanced Dental Spa’s “no-gap” checkup and clean offer. This provided a financial incentive for patients, encouraging them to try the clinic without any out-of-pocket expenses. Given the potential lifetime value of each patient, this strategy was designed to bring them in for an initial visit and build long-term relationships.

We created two professional videos for the campaign:

By testing both videos, we were able to see which resonated better with the audience, as well as use them for future retargeting. Each video was targeted to people living within a 7-minute drive of the clinic, making it clear that the offer was convenient and had no financial burden.

On-site filming with one of the head dentists built trust with future patients by showcasing the friendly and professional team. We tested three different ad angles to optimize results and ensured each clinic received an email notification once a form was submitted, allowing them to follow up quickly.

The Results

The campaign resulted in 147 leads, and the clinics converted 70% of those into actual appointments, bringing in 102 new patients. On average, each new patient generated $250 in revenue, resulting in a total of $25,500 in revenue. With an ad spend of only $1,521, the return on ad spend (ROAS) was an impressive 16.76x.


The success of this campaign not only provided immediate returns but also positioned Advanced Dental Spa for future growth with a new, engaged patient base.

Next Campaign (Invisalign)

After the success of the “no-gap” new patient campaign, we ran a brand new campaign for Invisalign patients.

Previously, Google Ads were working very well to get them new Invisalign patients. However, this all changed as many competitors started following their same strategy which made their advertising costs go up dramatically due to more people bidding on the same keywords. We opted to run a Facebook and Instagram advertising campaign to attract high end patients. 

We did some extensive research as to why people get Invisalign which helped us write the ad angles and content for the videos.

Here are the results from the Facebook campaign: From the leads we captured, here are the final converted customers and the revenue they brought in.

We have also taken out 40% Invisalign lab fees to give a more accurate profit value:

A total of 6 closed sales with $17,100 real revenue

We spent $1,691.09 on advertising which gives the campaign a 10.11x return-on-ad-spend. Ie, for every $1 we put in, we got $10.11 back.

Client Success